Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How are you?

We all do it. I do it too. Use 'how are you?' as a greeting. Which is fine usually; we're all used to it. But in some cases, like this, it's not necessarily the right thing to say. I don't mind; I'm not annoyed or put out by it. But mostly I either don't want to answer completely or you don't really want to know.

Or, maybe you do want to know. Which is why I'm starting this blog. When I feel like it, I will write about how I'm doing and maybe, if I can figure it out, how I'm putting the pieces back together.

I will not use my Facebook status for this process. I think a lot of people use Facebook for insignificant, annoying reasons other than what it is good for. I don't care if you had tacos for dinner and I really don't need to see pictures of said tacos.

How am I?
I am in the eye of a storm. A devistaing and damaging storm. I stay in the eye as much as possilbe where it's nice and calm. The real world is out there, on the other side of the storm. I stick my toe in here and there. The flying debris stings and pain shoots up my foot and through to the top of my head. That is all I know about how I am doing. I don't know what will happen to the storm; if I will get sucked in. If it will calm down. If I will make it through to the real world...but I will let you know.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Chris. I sent a message on Facebook and then found your blog. I think we knew each other as kids. Anyway, I wanted you to know that I know exactly how you see the world right now, and I will tell you it gets better. I have been there and made it through the eye of the storm to calm waters on the other side. It has taken several years but I assure you each day the pain is just a bit less, however the feelings will sneak up on you and whack you up side the head at the most odd moments. Its a look from your son, or the hint of scent that drifts to you, and the pain, but also the love will drift thru you and for a moment all is horrible but then there is the calm that at that particular moment your wife (for me my husband) is with you always and you can take a small comfort in that. Just remember the sympathetic head tilt that comes with the "How are you doing" will stop and you will be able to answer, "I am OK".
